
Trinity In Japan



There is Internet in Sendai!

How exciting.

Yesterday was yet another adventure. I spent 2 hours at the train station waiting for a train that never came. Apparently the Shinkansen (bullet train) comes and goes like clockwork. Its always on time no matter what... except for one exception... when some one throws themselves onto the track and commits suicide. Now, I didn't see this happen and I don't know for sure that it did happen, but from what I understand that's the only reason that train would be late. And, to top that off, the train company, or whoever, charges that person's family an exuberant amount of money for the loss of business that day. So, what that meant for me was an agonizing wait at the train station trying to figure out, through a few helpful people's broken English, what was going on. I finally managed to find out that there was an "accidento" and that another train would come and take me to Sendai at 2:52. That was great, except I was supposed to have left at 1:11 to be at orientation at 2:00. Well I did finally get there, about 20 minutes before orientation was over, flustered as could be. Oh, and the best part was, one of the wheels on my suitcase is busted so it kept flipping over throughout the whole trip. Its ok if you're laughing right now, I imagine most of the people around me were too.

On a brighter note, my roommate here is super nice. I'm using her internet and her phone as well. I don't really like the city though. Its too big and its not as clean as Fukushima. I only have to stay through Thursday though. I think I'll take today, Sunday, my day off, to explore a little and find some food. As long as I don't have to get on a train I think I'll be fine.


At 9/17/2006 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah.. thats awesome.. so someone commits suicide and then the train company charges the family for the loss of business? add insult to injury... ehh orientations are usually a waste anyway.. you probably didn't miss much

At 9/17/2006 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

look in the yellow pages for wheel repair person. (tee-he-he!)
Love & BS

At 9/17/2006 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trinity! the halloween sugar cookies came out and are displayed right as you walk into Publix. It's all over now. Bring on the stomach ache. -Meg

At 9/17/2006 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halloween already? geez, I thought they put out football ones first or something. All I have to say is, Meg, try to restrain yourself. I know you will eat them but if you try not to, maybe the tummy ache wont be as bad as it could be.

At 9/17/2006 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I have to admit...I laughed! I'm soooo sorry, Trin!! It just made a funny picture and OF COURSE it had to happen to YOU!! I am sure you handled it great ~ trouper that you are. What an adventure. Hugs ~ Debbie

At 9/17/2006 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trin..Sorry this is a little late....but I just wanted to say that I cant wait to hear some more of those little.. "funny" storys, like your wheels! Anyways it sounds like other then some things you are having a great time! Cant wait to read another blog!**Megan

At 9/18/2006 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trin, I can't tell you how many suicide jumpers screwed up my train schedules in London, and they charge the families there too. It completely sucks so I can totally relate to your story. Just hang in there. I hope you're finding some decent food and I'm glad your roommate is so nice. It has to make things a bit easier. No new Hollywood news at the moment but I did have a question about America's next top model. How are you handling this? The premire is this week and I will be glad to keep you updated on the show and give you my picks, but if you don't want any information and would rather watch the repeat when you return, we can do that too. But, I know this is an important issue and it needs to be addressed. Keep me posted. Miss you.

At 9/18/2006 11:43 PM, Blogger Trinity said...

Oh Ali, dear, I'm way ahead of you. Ms. Bhatti has volunteered to tape it for me. However, we all know that Sona is crazy busy so maybe you could talk to her and work out a schedule to remind her. Or, perhaps Meg could even volunteer to tape it. That is if she still has tivo and isn't too busy. I'll have to work out the kinks. Maybe once the season is over you guys could send it to me as a late chiristmas present. Don't tell me whats going on now, I have enough to take in. By the time the season is over I'm sure I'll need something else to keep me preoccupied. Thank you, its so cute that you guys remember stuff like that. I miss you, almost as much as I miss American television. :)


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