
Trinity In Japan


Departure Date

A few days ago I found out I will be leaving for Japan on September 12. This all of a sudden seems a lot sooner than I expected. It's hard to imagine myself on a plane headed half way across the world where I won't know a single person or even speak the language. It's even harder to imagine leaving all my friends and family for an entire year. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited, just a little nervous.

As for the going away party, still nothing definite but I'm aiming for the first week of September. If you're not going to be around let me know so I can make plans to say my proper goodbyes. I'll be collecting addresses and emails so that I can send post cards and whatnot. If you wanna make this a little easier on me feel free to send me your info via email.


At 7/15/2006 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, this sounds exciting!


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